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Operation Neptune Spear

The Interview

BY:Savage Brit

Recently The Coven Radio Got to  hear a new Band , stumbled on the Via Twitter and we thought the rest of you who are fans of rock and metal and something a bit different would like to  have a chance to get to know them as well. Savage Brit Did an interview with them recently and  here are somethings we think you would appreciate knowing about Operation Neptune Spear. We always start out with some basic get to know the band questions. We like to know where they derived from , what makes them special and where they came from with music. So we asked them :Q:How many years have you performed both in a band?  :A:"Shez has been in bands since the age of 13, Operation Neptune Spear as an entity has been around for since late 2015".  So they have some time behind them and experiences :Q: Which do you prefer solo or performing in a band? What do you feel the draw backs the pros and cons of both? :A: "Ha! sometimes I miss performing in a band but being a one man band has its advantages. As a one man band its my ideas my input, no internal politics or lazy drummers on the other hand in a band you get different perspectives that can improve and enhance your ideas and nothing beats the thrill of performing as a live band that energy is amazing."  Talking to bands in the past everyone agrees that being in a band you really have to work well together to be in a team. So there definitely are some major pros and cons being in one.  If there is a spark and magic with the group the composition and they style of the group as a whole is amazing. Next question we asked :Q: what makes your band different from others?   :A:"From what I have heard recently our sound seems to stand out from the crowd and we seem to be one of the only Hard Rock acts that put a slightly political edge to our tracks, plus everything is done on a second generation Ipad no fancy equipment or professionals."

          So when A person generally goes to a show they expect good music and atmosphere , some like lots of cool lighting effects and  fireworks  and other tactics . We want to know this :Q: What type of experience do you hope to give to your fans when at your show. Describe  For us what your show visually and muscly might look like. : A: "When we finally get Operation Neptune Spear out and gigging we aim to give you a full frontal sonic experience designed to make your ears bleed, loosen your bowels and make your mind go into over drive. As far as what the show will look like,Not sure yet but when it does go out on the road it shall be a stripped back affair, just musicians rocking out live on stage! Nothing fancy just rocking out"  They don't  have any gig's or tours at the moment, however the moment  they do we will post in our  tours area so keep a watchful eye out. We do want to know :Q:Tell us why people should come see your band perform? (if cover band tell us why people should contact your band and hire you? What sort of experience are they going to receive from doing so?   :A:"IF you don't we will send James round to break your legs and steal your bacon. lol"  All kidding aside you should see them when they  start performing  out live and just expect to have a good time. So let's talk about your music a bit. :Q:when writing songs to perform who composes the lyric’s and instrumental’s. Is it one individual or is it the effort of the entire band as a whole? (If a cover Band Please Tell us how and what inspires you to pic what covers you perform.?   :A:

"The Shez writes everything, comes up with a riff and takes it from there.

We did do a cover of Eve of Destruction, it was The Shez and his acoustic no fancy layering just one take. Brilliant protest song with a message that resonates through the years and its really catchy" 

                  :Q: when songs are written what is the motivation, muse or inspiration behind the music?   :A: "No motivation as such I just have this innate need to make music, it just pops in there and needs to get out of my head. Lyrically I am motivated mainly by the world around and the current political climate."

​So every person, every band has influences . :Q: What do you think was your biggest influence’s in your life that brought you into the music industry? :A: "I have always been around music and can find it in the strangest of places, its just something that I feel the need to do if I get somewhere with it then that would be awesome if I don't it wont stop me from making music. As for biggest influences that would be long trips in the car as a kid listening to my parents mix tapes."  So next question for you.:Q: what are some of the struggle’s you and the band have endured together, how do you think it has impacted you as a group?  :A: "The main struggle would be time constraints and technological constraints. Not really too much you can do in the way of mastering etc on an Ipad 2 and I literally have very little time to write and record so when I do get some time I really knuckle down."   :Q: what do you think most bands struggle with more when beginning and being a band? :A:"Nerves really it is nerve wracking the first few times you go out there and perform."  Ok so tell us :Q: How does music effect the world around you in your everyday life?​  :A: "  It gets me in trouble lol tapping on things and drifting off into riffs or whistling and humming a lot. " OK  now let's talk about Things about the music industry. :Q: What are your pet peeves in the music industry?  :A: " These days its all generic pap, if its not got a hip hop slant or its not been produced so it sounds like the last major record or if your not prancing around in your underwear then the industry don't want to know, its a closed shop unless you know someone."  :Q: what do you think about the music industry today? Do you think there is a lot of positive change today from what there was in yesteryear's? :A: Not really I think its got worse for performers, it seems harder to break out as an unknown act and there seems to be less variety.

It seems they have cheapened the idea of the main stream music video down to soft porn."  :Q: Now talking with other artiest we have talked about the old way of recording just in a studio used to be the only way to record your tracks, however with the advancement of technology, we find artiest who are taking their recordings out in the world. in music halls and places of some cool interest’s- is that something you’re interested in? do you think there is something to be said for the old style of recording?  :A: "Currently I sit in a room plugged into the Ipad to do our recordings but yes I would love to get out and try some different locations.

The old style is good as you get the sound your recording and that's it but there is something to be said for atmosphere in your recordings as well."  :Q: How do you go about promoting your band?   :A: " Usually I can be found on twitter (@the1shez) dropping links around the place constantly lol.

We are on all the usual sites Reverbnation, Bandcamp, Sound cloud etc and we get a lot of airplay from a number of internet radio stations willing to play unsigned artists (much like yourselves) which is amazing and much appreciated." So Reader's make sure you check them out when you have some time and just really check out their music. So we have just a few more questions . :Q: what advice can you give to other bands starting out about how to promote and get themselves heard? :A: "Get out on the internet and drop your links everywhere you can and email every station who accepts submissions......wait no that's my tactic lol"  :Q: Is there any type of advice to give to those who have a dream to become a band reg/cover/tribute?  :A: "Don't give up keep rocking out and do it for the love of the music because the reality is a large number of bands don't make it." So next question has to deal with pirated music .:Q: in a bands perspective what do you think on the controversy of down loading pirated music? Times are changing so is technology but consumer wise it hurts the artiest. What is your opinion? :A: "All our music is free download away guys! If we were big it would still be free but we would charge to see us live and for merch etc.

I can see why it upsets musicians who rely on the income but as you alluded to the world is changing and the industry has to change with it." Lets talk venues for a second. :Q: what are some of the best from the past venues you have worked? Any favorites? :A: "Anywhere in Sheffield as there's always a great vibe and buzz, the old Vic in Derby was good as well very intimate."  :Q: what do you advise newer bands /cover bands/tribute bands should definitely try out as a venue? :A: "f people ask me about venues in my local area I do my best to provide an honest opinion, I just advise bands to get out and try's many different venues as possible its all good experience."  Ok so tell us about what your doing right now this month and year. :Q: Is there anything you’re currently working on? :A: "Yeah I've got a number of ideas buzzing around in my head waiting to be unleashed and I've got a number of people lined up to do some more collaborations." :Q: Are you recording anything new? :A: "Usually lol as stated above we have a few things currently in the melting pot so to speak."  So we are getting to the last two questions. The Audience so here are the questions. :Q: As a band at the end of the night you have to reach the person in the very back to draw him in closer to react to your band your music. How do you go about doing so?  :A: "Get talking to the audience get the back of the room to shout up!"  Last question  :Q: As a band it’s your job to sell the music, do you find it easier to sing / play songs you cover or songs you have written. do you lack conviction in the music if it’s not your own? (if you don’t believe in the song do you think your listener will? :A: "I will give any song a go and give it my all, it does help if you like the track and I think it does come across if your not enjoying performing a track"

Thank you Op Neptune spear for giving us your time ,  we at The Coven are very happy to get an inside look at your music and a little window into your world. We hope our fans and your fans like this little spot light we have done about you and hope every one shares and can bring more music fans to hear Op Neptune Spear.


Listen to their song

Residual Freedom - Op Neptune Spear

Their YouTube video

  Album covers


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